Visit report

Experiencing the Day of the African Child – what a Highlight!

We, Kurt and Marianne, are standing at Dar Es Salaam airport in bright sunshine, warm temperatures and are extremely happy to be here. Masia wants to pick us up tomorrow already at 08.00 a.m. because the program is packed for the Day of the African Child. You can find out how the day went and what else we were able to experience during our stay in May/June in this blog.

So, the next day, we were invited to be at Mapinga School at 10.00 a.m., because the African Children's Day had been brought forward to surprise us and let us be part of it. When we arrived, there was a hectic but cheerful hustle and bustle going on. A party is to take place here in an hour? For over 1500 children? Nothing is ready yet? These were the questions that went through our minds when we arrived. There was chaos, children were jumping around nervously, some were cheering, and others were a little more relaxed. The report cards will also be handed out today, the last day of school before the vacations. The teachers were busy keeping the large classes together, and next to them some of the teachers were helping to set up the tent. In one corner, some adults put their heads together and when we saw Masia, we went there too because we were curious to see what was being done.

Ooops, I got all dizzy when I saw the electric cables being taken apart. I don't know much about electricity, but I didn't like it at all and when I asked if the power had been switched off so that no electricity would flow on these cables, 10 shiny brown eyes looked at me and the white teeth on their faces laughed at me: “Mama Marianne, don't worry, it'll be fine.”

If there's one thing Africa has taught us, it's to take our time and believe that out of nothing can come a celebration.

 At 11.30 the party slowly got underway and everything was ready. There were lots of different contributions: a speech of welcome by the school and Leah, a short talk about children's rights, various children's songs, performances by the individual classes, thank-you speeches, team games, children's wishes, distributing school materials and also something to eat and drink. There was room for all of this during these hours and the children were given full attention. It was a really successful celebration and when we saw the children's bright and happy eyes, we, NUKIA, were simply filled with love and gratitude.

A lot has happened at Maisha Bora since our last visit. We have a few new children :-) At first, when we arrived, the kids were still a little reserved, but Anjelina and Lailat showed “the new kids” that we can also be “cuddled”, and so the button was quickly loosened.

It was nice to see that the children feel at home, that they are doing well and that they call Maisha Bora their home. The moms are strict but also very loving and really take the time to give the little ones what they need. The younger kids are already on vacation and are of course happy that we are there and have time for them.

Our smallest offspring, baby Marianne, is such a little sweet angel. I'm proud that Dalaya gave her my name. How did this come about?

Dalaya gave birth to baby Marianne on April 16, my birthday. We are all very grateful that the baby is healthy and we wish her a safe future in our care at Maisha Bora.

On June 1, the time had finally come - the first time we were in Tanzania for Kurt's birthday. We celebrated the birthdays of Baba Kurt, Mama Lucy and Godlove. It was a really nice party and we enjoyed being together with the big family.

Traditionally in Tanzania, water is poured over the birthday person's body at some point to bring them luck and blessings. The kids had been collecting empty water bottles with Dotto, Kulwa and Savera for a few days and filling them with water at home so that they would be ready for the ceremony. A wonderful, happy shriek from everyone when they were allowed to water Baba Kurt.

Over the next few days, we were able to make many visits to the healthcare and the family projects. It was great to see how the investments in the healthcare system are making a difference and how the children in the very poor families are able to develop. All these families are very grateful for the monthly food support.

We spent most of our time with our children and staff, as it was the vacations and almost everyone was at home. Drawing, playing, doing handicrafts, cooking together, dancing together, laughing and even having an in-depth conversation with all our teenagers - there was room for all of that.

It was another very valuable and wonderful time and we are simply grateful for these great and unique moments that we were able to experience together.


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NUKIA Non Profit Organisation Riedpark 19 6300 Zug Switzerland Kurt Widmer +41 79 303 64 93 [email protected]
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